Australian Cucumbers with Crunch

Nothing’s as cool as our local cucumbers.

There’s nothing quite like our crunchy cucumbers. Perfect for a cheeky mid-arvo snack, these cucumbers don’t have to migrate far to get to your home – in fact, they’re 100% Aussie. How cool!

Cool as a cucumber facts and cuke questions

Fun Cucumber facts:

How to store cucumbers so they last a little longer

Cukes are happy to chill in their original packaging for 4-5 days in the fridge. Once opened, wrap your cucumber in paper towel and place into a resealable bag or container.

Cucumbers - a cheese board's best friend

Cut up cukes are the perfect fresh accomplice to your charcuterie boards. Serve in strips or slices.

What vitamins are in a cucumber?

Although they are 95% water, cucumbers still contain healthy vitamins and nutrients. In fact the skin of cucumber alone contains both vitamin C and fibre, so make sure to eat your cuke skins as well!

What are qukes?

Qukes are the name of a baby cucumber that has been specially bred for its small size and big, tasty crunch. Qukes are a versatile variety of cucumber because they can be used the same as you would a standard sized cucumber, however, qukes offer better snackability thanks to it’s compact size. 

Is cucumber a fruit?

It may seem odd but cucumber is scientifically classed as a fruit! Botanists consider something a fruit when it possesses seeds and is produced from the ovary of a flower. A cucumber ticks both of these boxes, thus it is considered a fruit in the eyes of botanists.  

Can you cook cucumbers?

You may be surprised to find out that, yes, you can indeed cook cucumbers! Cooked cucumber is quite common in Vietnamese, Korean, Thai and regional Indian dishes. The most common methods of cooking cucumber include sautéing and stir frying. Two good tips to follow if you’re considering trying your hand at cooking your cukes is to remove the seeds (as these will detach in the cooking process anyway) and salt your cucumbers (as this will aid in removing liquid from your cucumbers) which will make the overall dish less soggy. 

Can you freeze cucumbers?

Due to them being made up of 96% water, thawed cucumber can be quite mushy so it’s best to keep in mind what recipes you would like to use your thawed cucumbers in before freezing them. To freeze cucumber, slice them into rounds, lay them out on a tray and pop the tray in the freezer. Once the cucumber rounds are frozen, store them in an airtight bag or container. Your thawed cucumber will be best used in soups, dips and smoothies. 

What are some creative cucumber recipes I should try?

Cucumbers aren’t just something to hide away into your side salads, they’re too cool not to be celebrated! For some creative new ways to use your humble cuke, check out our handpicked cucumber recipes below.