Fresh Australian Papayas
Aussie Papayaaaaaas!
At ALDI, we couldn’t be prouder of our Aussie grown papayas. These tropical rockstars hail from the likes of far north Queensland, grown in farms in across Mareeba, Dimbulah, Innisfail, and Tully.

Meet our people behind our papayas.
In the sunny tropical tablelands of Atherton, you’ll find Skybury Papayas, Australia’s first and largest papaya producer. Known for the richly flavoured red varieties, each fruit is picked with care and precision to ensure maximum sweetness and flavour for all Aussies to enjoy. Bon papa-tit!
Fun facts about papaya fruit
How to tell if a papaya is ripe
Look for papayas that give a little with gentle pressure. These are ready to eat, no matter the colour.
How to preserve your fresh papaya
Refrigeration will slow down the ripening process, so you can enjoy in the future.
Fresh papayas to quench the thirst
With its high water content, papaya is perfect for quenching thirst and keeping you refreshed on hot days.
What are the health benefits of papayas?
Papaya is packed with essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health and wellbeing.
What are some papaya recipes that I should try?
Papaya is well known for adding a touch of the tropics to any meal or drink. Add a fresh and flavoursome papaya to your next meal and learn to love this tropical fruit! For inspiration, check out our papaya recipes below.