Blackberry Infused Vodka Recipe

How to Make Blackberry Infused Vodka
- You will prepare this flavoured Vodka and put it away for 6-12 weeks to infuse. Once ready, you can use the infused blackberries for your drinks or desserts as well.
- Combine all the ingredients in a large mason jar.
- Stir and store in a cool, dark place for at least 6 weeks (between 6 and 12 weeks is ideal).
- Give the jar a turn (lightly shake or gentle flip over, up and down), once a week to distribute the ingredients. The berries may lose their colour as they are infused in the vodka. Don’t worry as this is normal.
- When you are ready to gift or drink your vodka, secure a piece of muslin cloth or a very fine sieve over a bowl and strain the liquid to remove any leftover fruit or seeds.
- Decant the vodka into a clean bottle.
- Consume within 12 months.

ALDI Supports the responsible service of alcohol. It is illegal to purchase alcohol for people under 18.
Vintages may vary from store to store. Every effort is made to ensure the current vintage is displayed, however variations can occur.
Liquor is available in selected ALDI stores in NSW, VIC, ACT & WA. Due to liquor licensing limitations, liquor is not sold in any QLD or SA ALDI stores.