Passionfruit and Lime Spritz Recipe

How to make Passionfruit and Lime Spritz
- Make the lime syrup first. Place the ingredients into a small, heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat and stir until dissolved.
- Bring up to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. Make sure you simmer, rather than boil it. Strain into a sterilised jar, discarding the zest.
- At this stage it won’t look very thick but will thicken further as it cools. Once it reaches room temperature (approximately 30 minutes) you can store it in the fridge where it will thicken up further. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes (or overnight).
- To make your mocktail: You'll need 4 x tablespoons of lime syrup. The rest can be stored (see Tip).
- Mix the lime zest and caster sugar together and spread out on a small plate.
- Lightly brush the rims of 4 glasses with syrup and dip into the lime sugar to create sugared rims.
- Add ice cubes to the glasses, then adding passionfruit pulp and remaining syrup. Top with sparkling lime water, stir and serve.
Optional: To make an alcoholic cocktail version, you could add vodka or rum.
Tips: You can store the lime syrup for a couple of months in the fridge, in a well-sealed jar. *You can make lemon syrup with the same recipe, swapping our limes for lemons.